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• A quick guide to start writing your own fun and useful Julia apps—no prior experience required!
• This engaging guide shows, step by step, how to build custom programs using Julia, the open-source, intuitive scripting language. Written by 15-year-old technology phenom Tanmay Bakshi, the book is presented in an accessible style that makes learning easy and enjoyable. Tanmay Teaches Julia for Beginners: A Springboard to Machine Learning for All Ages clearly explains the basics of Julia programming and takes a look at cutting-edge machine learning applications. You will also discover how to interface your Julia apps with code written in Python.
• Inside, you’ll learn to:
• Set up and configure your Julia environment
• Get up and running writing your own Julia apps
• Define variables and use them in your programs
• Use conditions, iterations, for-loops, and while-loops
• Create, go through, and modify arrays
• Build an app to manage things you lend and get back from your friends
• Create and utilize dictionaries
• Simplify maintenance of your code uing functions
• Apply functions on arrays and use functions recursively and generically
• Understand and program basic machine learning apps